Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Be Afraid, Designers, Be Very Afraid

As I was exploring this blog-making site, I discovered the girl that everyone was talking about a while back. The thirteen year old fashion blogger, Tavi. When I first heard about her several months ago, I had the reaction of, "so what?" But after reading her blog, I have to say, she is a fearsome one. Don't believe me? check out her blog here:
She's good. She hands out criticism to fashion designers the same way I hand it out to the government: whenever she feels it is needed. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing newspaper as a hairpiece (at least not the way it looks in that picture), but I love her writings. I have to respect anyone willing to push the envelope of everyday fashion. And her habit of thrift store shopping? I adore it! I, myself frequent the Goodwills of the world looking for some fabulous treasures. This girl has the potential to become a veritable hurricane in the fashion industry. Normal, average people, as well as those higher in the food chain, seem to listen to what she has to say. For a teeny-bopper (don't ask), this is an awesome accomplishment. I can't wait to see what she does next!

1 comment:

  1. I'll check her out , thanx. Why would the world freak out on her? I mean Im all for gay guys in fashions (joke) but really who should we ask what girls want to wear to look an feel good? surely not a 13yo girl , my gods how would she know what 13yo girls opinions are, gees, Let's go ask billi an bruce to 40yo guys in pink shofon. they would know better than some little brat:D

    oh um if you check johnzworld2 I show how I make words links
